Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cherry Blossom Update

Yesterday I had wonderful news when I logged on to my e-mail - I was billed for my lottery registration for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in April!  I got in and so did my best running buddies.  Yea.  I didn't think I would get in since several of my long time running buddies said that they had not gotten in in past years.  I was really surprised which made for a good Monday.  It was even better news when I found out my friends also got in too.

I did run on Sunday - and was just glad I finished.  It was a small race so when they are small, under 400, I don't do to well.  Plus - I still had the remnants of the cold / flu or whatever virus I had last week.  The course was very hilly but the good news was:  I finished, I didn't finish last (almost though), and I ran an 8K.  Actually - my time wasn't that bad considering. I think all the experienced runners run this so being a newbie, I was fine with my time.  I hope this year, with longer runs, my times will improve. I've only been running since March or so.

On Saturday, I watched what was left of an Ironman event on TV.  I caught the tail end.  Watching these folks inspired me so much - I think I'm going to watch one of these every time I go out for a race.  One woman was diagnosed with cancer and didn't let it stop her.  Lot's of older men, like in their 70's - just did an event that took over 20 hours.  I thought to myself, I'm not going to let a little cold stop me.  Not after watching these wonderful athletes, cold or no cold, I was going to give it a try.  Toward the end of my run, I kept thinking of these athletes and what they accomplished and it kept me going. They inspired me and will continue to. 

PS - I wore my "new" One More Mile fleece pants on Sunday.  I purchased them this summer and it hadn't been cold enough to wear them until then.  Very nice - just love them.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Runs Planned For Next Year

We've been blessed with wonderful running weather this fall - all my races, the Rockville 10K, Run Under the Lights and the Turkey Burn off were rain free!  Continuing to have so much fun with my running buddies and looking forward to next year.  We've all made the leap and registered for the Winter Half Marathon Program (starts next month), registered for the Frederick Half Marathon in May and the Cherry Blossom lottery for the 10 mile run in April.  

Bad thing is, I've been dealing with anemia which has really slowed my running down and now have been struggling with the flu this past week.  I haven't run all week and have plans to run a Jingle Bell Jog run on Sunday morning, an 8K.  I'm pretty worried, I hope I can make it.  Not running at all this week has really been a bummer.

I may just give it a try anyway, and treat it like a long slow run.  

Saturday, whether I'm feeling it or not,  I need to attend my youngest son's swim meet.  So standing (I'm signed up as a swim timer) for two + hours in a 90 degree, 100 percent humidity facility may help me shed a pound or two but probably won't do much to help me get over this virus.  Then - when I get home, I have to decorate my house for Christmas.  Last weekend I was busy every minute working on the football team's senior gifts.  So decorating outside got pushed to this weekend.  I'm not sure if we'll go to the Christmas tree farm this weekend or next.  But still should have plenty of time to get things ready in time for the holidays.

Some photos from my recent runs with the girls:
 Pre Race Photo - 5 Mile Turkey Burn Off
(I'm 2nd from the left)
 10K Celebration Dinner
(Back Left - the one with all the grey hair!)

Pre-Photo 10K
(Second from the left)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So sorry it's been so long since I last posted.  Since then, my running buddies and I conquered our first 8K.  It turned out to be such a beautiful night.  I was so worried about running at night and tripping over something that I think that kept me from falling and being my usual clumsy self.  I didn't finish last and I finished!  Here's a photo of some of my running buddies and my coach pre-race.  Guess which one is our coach!  I'm the old lady on the right with the gray hair.  Next week our 10K training program begins.  I have met so many wonderful and inspiring folks through running - I don't know what took me so long to give this a try.  I am so grateful that I stumbled upon the Road Runners web page and registered and then signed up for the beginning women's running program last December.  It has been wonderful experience.  I just don't know what took me so long.  Thank goodness it happened - every day I run has been a fantastic day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Another Heart Rate Monitor - Should I?

Well I need some advice regarding heart rate monitors.  My running buddies all have Garmins but they all say it is very difficult to use.  My best running buddy is even a techy with a master degree in computer science, and she said it is very complicated.  I think they have this model:

I myself, am addicted to the Nike GPS app on my IPhone.  However, it doesn't have a heart rate monitor.  So I picked up one from Costco, a New Balance, a very basic one.  It works good, was easy for me to set up so while I run, my Nike app is mapping my route, keeping track of my pace, miles and time, and my New Balance $39.00 watch is keeping track of my heart rate.  However, I would love to have it all in one place while still using my Nike GPS.  Question - does Nike offer that accessory for my IPhone?  If anyone knows, please let me know.
     In the meantime, I have been considering buying a Garmin.  Not the deluxe one shown above, but this one:

Because, it says, it's easy to use right out of the box.  I could use it while using my Nike App.  What do you think?  Should I splurge and spend the $200 bucks for this model and ditch my NB watch?  I want to integrate all my feedback from my runs.  Does it cost money to upload your feedback to Garmin?  
     If anyone has any feedback - I would love to hear what your thoughts are regarding the Garmin.  I also have the Digit Fit system - but I use that on my Spinning bike.  I'm really stuck on the Nike Running app and love to see how my miles add up each month, week, day, etc. 
      Help!  Please - any thoughts on this stuff?  Take care - and have a great Tuesday!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Golf Anyone?

     I am so glad it's Monday, I get to rest today.  Saturday morning I met up with my beginning women's running group, we are staying in touch and our coach, the best, is helping us transition so we can run the Rockville 8K in mid July and will continue with us till the 10K program starts in August.  She meets up with us on Saturday morning and we meet at 7:00 AM.  So I had to leave the house by 6:30 which means I had to get up at 4:30.  Yikes, on a Saturday!  Way to early.
     We ran a route that had the "Silencer" - a hill so big no one can talk because you are grasping for air the whole time.  About 20 of us showed up which was so nice to see everyone since we completed our 5K.  Next week's Saturday run will be on the Capital Crescent Trail and breakfast afterwards.  Can't wait.
     After running Saturday, did some stuff around the house, took a nap, and my hubby, youngest son and I went to the driving range and then played 9 holes.  I guess I had beginner's luck the week before, because I sucked this week.  It was my 16 year olds first time, and he got discouraged, but not some much.  He asked us if we could go again yesterday.  So we did!  I did get a 3 mile run in the morning, baked my favorite quiche, mowed the lawn, and finally planted the garden.  Around 2 PM I came in and showered, fixed my hair, and sat down and promptly fell asleep.  My youngest got up around 3 (loves to stay up late on the weekends) and woke me up to ask if we could go play again. 
     Yesterday wasn't as bad as Saturday but still very, very sad.  I guess the only way to get better is to play.  Maybe I will sign us up for lessons - I think we all could use it.  But the funny thing is, I don't think there were many players around us that were any better.  Thank Goodness!
      Back to work, no running planned for today.  I need to catch up on housework and laundry.  Hopefully, it will be a quiet week at work.  I hope to put in for leave for Thursday and Friday - why not?  I have a ton of leave and need a few days off.  We'll see what my boss says :)  She may not think so.
     Anyhow, enjoy the pre-holiday week.  Thank goodness for summer holidays!  Bring on July 4th.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

My First 5K - Completed June 18!

Above is a group photo: a pre race photo shot.  Coach is the blond in the aqua blue t-shirt with the big smile!  I'm in the very back with the sunglasses (and gray hair).  Little did we know what it would take today.

Here is all the cool race stuff.  The shirt was an extra cost when you registered.  I decided to go for it since it was my first race, the more money I committed, the more accountable I would need to be.  It worked!  My bib number was also randomly picked at the end for a prize and I picked up some very cool technical socks.  They match the green of my race shirt.  And if you were not sure I made it, here's proof!

OK, my official time was 41:01.  I wasn't last for the whole group, I wasn't last for my age group and I ran the entire race.  On a sad note, it was so humid yesterday, it stormed at 4:00 AM prior to the race, two women collapsed.  One after the race and one during the race.  One of the ladies was from our group.  We send our thoughts and prayers and hope that it was just a mild case of dehydration.

Bev was sporting her new Wonder Woman bracelet.  She is still smiling.  Note:  I won't let go of my Gatorade. 

And here is final group shot (post race) with our wonderful Coach.  She was always cracking us up.  
Gwynne - you rock!  Thank you! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It was me!

I dug my Nathan water bottle out of the recycle can.  I was pretty sure it was me and last night's run confirmed it.  My running accessories are fine - it was me, the end user that was having the technical difficulties.  So sorry Nathan.  Please forgive me - I'm chalking it up to being a newbie and having several senior moments.

For some reason, last night's run was very hard.  I was breathing like a chimney on the way back.  I had used my inhaler about 15 minutes before the run but forgot to take my Advil in the afternoon and my knees were letting me know it.  So sad to be old and creaky!   

I'm considering wearing a pink tank for my 5K on Saturday - but then again, I think of the photographer that will be there and the thought of my upper arms makes me think twice :).  We'll see, I'll make a decision Friday evening when I hear what the temperature is going to be.  

Another beautiful day here!  Low humidity and plenty of sunshine - a top down kind of day!  Loving my convertible and all my worries seem to fly out the top when I get into it.

Have a wonderful Wednesday :)