Monday, June 27, 2011

Golf Anyone?

     I am so glad it's Monday, I get to rest today.  Saturday morning I met up with my beginning women's running group, we are staying in touch and our coach, the best, is helping us transition so we can run the Rockville 8K in mid July and will continue with us till the 10K program starts in August.  She meets up with us on Saturday morning and we meet at 7:00 AM.  So I had to leave the house by 6:30 which means I had to get up at 4:30.  Yikes, on a Saturday!  Way to early.
     We ran a route that had the "Silencer" - a hill so big no one can talk because you are grasping for air the whole time.  About 20 of us showed up which was so nice to see everyone since we completed our 5K.  Next week's Saturday run will be on the Capital Crescent Trail and breakfast afterwards.  Can't wait.
     After running Saturday, did some stuff around the house, took a nap, and my hubby, youngest son and I went to the driving range and then played 9 holes.  I guess I had beginner's luck the week before, because I sucked this week.  It was my 16 year olds first time, and he got discouraged, but not some much.  He asked us if we could go again yesterday.  So we did!  I did get a 3 mile run in the morning, baked my favorite quiche, mowed the lawn, and finally planted the garden.  Around 2 PM I came in and showered, fixed my hair, and sat down and promptly fell asleep.  My youngest got up around 3 (loves to stay up late on the weekends) and woke me up to ask if we could go play again. 
     Yesterday wasn't as bad as Saturday but still very, very sad.  I guess the only way to get better is to play.  Maybe I will sign us up for lessons - I think we all could use it.  But the funny thing is, I don't think there were many players around us that were any better.  Thank Goodness!
      Back to work, no running planned for today.  I need to catch up on housework and laundry.  Hopefully, it will be a quiet week at work.  I hope to put in for leave for Thursday and Friday - why not?  I have a ton of leave and need a few days off.  We'll see what my boss says :)  She may not think so.
     Anyhow, enjoy the pre-holiday week.  Thank goodness for summer holidays!  Bring on July 4th.


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