Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ladies Night Out

Friday night was ladies night out, there's a group of us from work that get together on a regular basis.  These ladies are wonderful and I'm so glad to have them as my friends.

Bowling isn't the same as it used to be - no way.  Today it's a smoke free environment, serving a gourmet menu, don't worry about keeping score (all automated) - just throw the ball and have a great time.  

It was Sandra's birthday (with the lei on) and Kristina (first row, right) and Ceil (back row, left) came up with a theme:  the Margarita's!  So Kristina, the crafty lady that she is, ordered these lime green t-shirts and added our names to the front left as well as our group name to the back of the shirt.

Check out the margarita (front right corner)!  We had a blast.  Sandra, the birthday girl, won with a total score of 98.  That's pretty sad, needless to say.  Catherine (front row, middle) had never experienced the joy of bowling.  We had dinner, bowled a game, enjoyed a margarita and had a wonderful Friday evening.   Oh, and one more thing just to let you know how bad we are at bowling, we had the gutters up.

Anyhow, it's been so busy but I've been continuing to work on my running efforts.  Our local road runner's group has a beginning running group that started on Tuesday.  I got my nerves up and took the plunge.  There was a pretty large turn out.  About 60 of us, ranging in age and fitness levels.  The coaches were wonderful and shared with all of us how they became runners which gave quite a few of us hope that just maybe, we might be able to become a runner after all.  Our BWR group meets Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings.  I couldn't believe it, but somehow I managed to get up and make it to the Saturday morning session.  We ran 10 minutes down and back and stretched.  They divided us into about 5 groups and we can switch back and forth as we want.  Then I came back home and did 5 miles on the treadmill. I was already dressed so thought I would get my work out in. 

A quick shower and off to my youngest son's lacrosse game.  Today I need to catch up on laundry and start doing some yard work.  Plus, make a quick trip to Costco and Safeway.  There just isn't enough time in the weekend - oh vey.

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